Newton Does It!
=Outdated Content= LAST UPDATE 2004!
=Outdated Content= LAST UPDATE 2004!
Kommunikation / Communication
The Newton Connection
Newton Connection FAQ - allgemeine Hinweise und Tips (als NewtonBook )
[general information and tips (as NewtonBook ) ]
MechTech: Newton Communication Programming - kurze Einführung
[short introduction ]
EasyConnect Terminal Emulator - TTY and ANSI based emulation (VT100, VT102, etc.)
NCU (Mac) - Newton Connection Utility for Macintosh
NCU Hack - Newton mit 57600 bps an den Mac anschließen
[connect your Newton device to your Mac at 57600 bps ]
AppleTalk ADSP Tool - für NCU (Mac)
NCK 2.0 - Newton Connection Kit 2.0 for Macintosh
serielles Verbindungskabel - zum Selberbasteln
[DIYserial connection cable ]
Datenübertragung via Infrarot zum PowerBook und iMac
[iMac and Newton Through IrDA similar article in English ]
DIL plugin for REALbasic - plugin for accessing Newton data from a desktop computer (Mac/Win)
Airport on Newton - 'kurze' Anleitung
['short' instructions ]
Mac OS X
Desktop Connection Library 1.0 - mit Schwerpunkt auf OS X
[Multiplatform project to replace Apple's Libraries and Applications ZeroConf support ]
newtSync Dates/Names/Clock (new URL ) User Forum - Panther kompatibel
[syncs to Panther ]
NewTen Mac OSX Package Installer - funktioniert mit dem KeySpan USB Adapter
[KeySpan USB serial adapter is required ]
Packager 1.3 for OS X - setzt richtigen Type und Creator für Packages
[utility to set correct file type and creator for Newton package files ]
NCU-like software native MacOS X: what prevents it
TCPSerial for Mac - NTK auch unter Classic in OS X Jaguar nutzen
[helps to launch the Newton Toolkits under Classic on OS X Jaguar ]
Unix / Linux
Newton and Unix - UNIX Package Installer (now free -see below)
Source Forge Project: Newton Package Installer for UNIX - kostenlos und schnell
[fast, free Newton package installer for UN*Xes ]
NewtonLink - UNIX Connection Utility (Xrolodex, Addressbook, KOrganizer, Star Office etc.) - writes Newton Names cards in Kab 2.0 format (for use with Newtonlink)
Newton XChange - LINUX Connection Utility
GNewton - Linux PC Connectivity - Datenabgleich zwischen Newton und Linux
[a work in progress... ]
Linux Applications for the Newton PDA
Newton and Linux - Daten zwischen Newton und Linux austauschen
[How to connect the Newton to a Linux PC ]
Newton am Linux-PC - [German article - GER>>ENG ]
Newton to Internet via UNIX-PPP
Configuring a PPP link between Linux and your Newton
Windows / DOS
QuickPort (DOS Version) - Datenaustausch unter DOS
[data transfer package with DOS client ]
Win NCU - Newton Connection Utility for Windows
Win NCU 1.0b6 ->1.0 - Update to the final release
Win NCU Patch - Newton mit 57600 bps an den PC anschließen
[connect your Newton device to your PC at 57600 bps ]
PC Slowdown - verringert NCU Abstürze auf schnellen PCs
[slows the PC down and makes NCU more stable - GER>>ENG ]
NewtShare for packages, sounds, images - Dateien per Drag'n'Drop austauschen
[share documents located on your desktop Windows PC with your Newton ]
Verbindungskabel - zum Selberbasteln
[DIY connection cable ]
Newton and WINDOWS 98 - Hinweise von Apple
[what Apple has to say about it ]
Newton and NT RAS (French) - NT RAS als Internet Gateway nutzen FRE>>DEU
[Using NT RAS as an Internet gateway FRE>>ENG ]
Amiga / Atari
Newton and Amiga - Daten zwischen Newton und Amiga austauschen
[How to connect the Newton to an Amiga ]
Newton and Atari - Daten zwischen Newton und Atari austauschen
[How to connect the Newton to an Atari ]
Datenabgleich / Synchronizing
Apple iPod
Names2VCF (Perl Script) - Newton Names Soup => VCF => iPod 1.1 more infos
Claris Organizer/Palm Desktop
Workaround für Newton-User beim Abgleich mit Claris Organizer 2.0
[how to synch with Claris Organizer 2.0 - GER>>ENG ]
How to sync with Palm Desktop (Claris Organizer 2.0) - Newton und Palm Desktop
[detailed instructions ]
Lotus Notes
Cadenza 1.6.1 (3.6 MB) Ser# /VIGyKpsfdZivaOTLqo7 - Newton und Lotus Notes
[synchronize your data with Lotus Notes ]
M$ Outlook/Entourage
Newtourage - Daten mit Microsoft Entourage austauschen [synchronize with Microsoft Entourage ]
LookOut 1.1 - Newton und MS Outlook
[synchronize your data with MS Outlook ]
LookOut Demo Hack - entfernt die zeitliche Beschränkung bei LookOut
[removes the LookOut time limit ]
How to hack LookOut
sonstiges / misc.
Sloup - transferring data or text between desktop files and Newton "soups"
NewtDump - data export utility (creates plain, human-readable text files; needs Sloup)
sup Sloup dump-format package extractor - generates a Newton package from a Sloup package dump
newtVNC - Viewer / Server
Nitro IrCOMM - Erweiterung für den IrDA Stack
[completes the IrDA stack by providing the TinyTP and IrCOMM layer ]
Smart Dog BackTalk (US$ 40) Palm, HP CapShare, QuickLink Pen - IR Datenaustausch
[exchange data with other IR devices ]
Quick Beam Suite for Windows - Daten per IR mit dem PC austauschen
[exchange data via IR with a Windows PC ]
Nokia Names 2 - vcards von Nokia zum Newton per IR übertragen
[receive names vcards from Nokia phones via InfraRed ]
Newton Mini-DIN-8 auf SUB-D-9 male Adapter für Handy-Datenkabel und Standard-PC Komponenten wie z.B. Modems
[German semi-commercial product ]
Connecting a Nokia 7110 to Newton - umfangreiche, bebilderte Anleitung
[detailed instructions with pictures ]
Der Newton und das Internet - Grundlagen und Programme
[How to go online (in English ) ]
Über T-Online ins Internet (NIE 2.x) - offizielle Information
[How to connect to the German online service t-online - GER>>ENG ]
Detailiertere Info über T-Online ins Internet (NIE 2.x) - gibt's auch für NIE 1.X
[How to connect to the German online service t-online - GER>>ENG ]
Digitalkameras / Digital Cameras
Tibet - Software (download full version)
Tibet 115200 Patch - Tibet FastSerial (38400 > 1152000 bps) Hack (Info )
Newton and Tibet Cameras - welche Kamera ist kompatibel
[which camera can be used with the Newton ]
Hacking the Olympus D-360L - Bilder an den Newton übertragen
[download images to MP 2x00 ]
TIBET JPEG > NewtsCape - Kamerabilder mit NewtsCape öffnen
[use NewtsCape as a viewer for TIBET JPEGs ]
RoboPicture & RoboPic - Tibet kompatible Kameras fernbedienen
[take photos from the Newton with Tibet compatible cameras ]
QV-Lab - ähnlich Tibet, für Casio Kameras
[Tibet like Software for Casio cameras - JAP>>ENG ]]
[Oben / Top]
PCMCIA Cards & Modems
NewtPower - Stromaufnahme diverser PC Karten (Modem, Speicher etc.)
[power consumption of several PC cards (modem, flash RAM) ]
PC Card Modems power requirements - das ist keine(!) Liste Newton-tauglicher PC Modems
[this is not (!) a reference of PC modems for the Newton ]
Modems - Hardware
Modems for Newtons - Fremde Modems am Newton
[Apple's third party modem list ]
Modems for Newton II by Apple - Landline, GSM, Wireless
Modemliste - welches Modem ist Newton-tauglich
[Newton-ready modems ]
Modems - drahtlos/wireless
Wireless LAN Primer for the Newton
Wireless LAN Primer for the Newton - Part 2
Wave LAN driver - for Apple's "Air Port" wireless LAN
Upgrade Silver To Gold En - Mac & PC
WaveLAN Silver card & Apple Airport Base Station Version 2
Newton / WaveLan / Airport Base Station / Mac OS X - bebilderte Anleitung
[detailed instruction with pictures ]
Configuring the Novatel Merlin Type II PCMCIA wireless IP modem
Option FirstFon - GSM Datenübertragung ohne Handy
[wireless GSM PC Card ]
Nokia CardPhone 2.0 Modem Setup
Newton & Cell Phones - Newton kompatible Handies
[Newton compatible cell phones ]
SonyEricsson T68i / Newton GPRS connection - Kurzanleitung
[How To ]
Remote Internet Access using Verizon's Mobile Office - Kurzanleitung
[How To ]
Modems - SMS Solutions
CreaTEC SMS Mailer - Nokia 2110i/ 8110. Nokia Cellular Data Card (DTP-2) Ver 1 and 2.
LunaSuite - Nokia & SMS 07.05 Standard
SMS Transport (Nokia 5110 + Option Card, Nokia 6210/7110, Bosch 909) - SMS senden und empfangen -
[send and receive SMS ]
NewtSMS 0.93 beta - Nokia 7110, 6210, 6250, Phone Card 2.0, Siemens S35
[send SMS GER>>ENG ]
Modems - Scripts
Modem Scripts - welches Modemskript für welches Modem
[find the best modem script for your modem ]
PlanetNewton Modem Scripts - einige schwer zu findende Modemskripts
[some hard to find modem scripts ]
[Oben / Top]
Ethernet Cards
Newton Ethernet Quick FAQ
Newton taugliche / compatible Farallon Ethernet PC Cards:
( Neueste / latest Farallon Firmware Updates )
Die neue PN595a funktioniert nicht ! [The new PN595a is not Newton compatible ! ]
3Com 3c589D ethernet card patch - genaue Anleitung
[step by step instruction for the MP 2K ]
Ethernet Driver for TDK LAK-CD021x
Driver for AmbiCom AMB8010 PowerSaver EtherNet card
günstige kompatible Ethernetkarte LONGSHINE LCS-8534TB
gibt es bei Comtech für DM 89,- und den ATLAN 7-Treiber gibt's hier
WARNUNG - die Longshine 8534 TB 1A funktioniert nicht !
[cheap ethernet card ]
[Oben / Top]