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=Outdated Content=
=Outdated Content= 03.10.2003 |
Newton & Astronomie - Books
AstroNewt ist kein Programm sondern lediglich ein 256 seitiges NewtonBook, das aus drei Teilen besteht: [AstroNewt is now available again. - AstroNewt is not a real program but a Newton book with 256 pages, divided in three chapters:]
Eine große Sternkarte und 10 Seiten mit Auffindhilfen für die Sternbilder. Weitere Informationen (German only) [German Newton book with one large star chart and 10 pages of constellations] ![]()
mehr als 220 Seiten Informationen zu den bemannten US amerikanischen Weltraummissionen inkl . ISS [more than 220 pages of information about the manned US space flights incl. ISS] ![]()
Chronologische Auflistung bemannter UdSSR/RUS Weltraummissionen. [A brief chronological description of every Soviet & Russian manned mission.]
Chronologische Auflistung der interplanetarischen Missionen [A very brief chronology of US, Soviet/Russian, Chinese, Japanese and European unmanned interplanetary missions.]
Zwei detailreiche Mondkarten. Die Mare, Berge, Krater und Apollo Landeplätze sind sowohl direkt auf der Karte vermerkt als auch über Ziffern zu identifizieren. [Two non-inverted maps (incl. Maria, Montes, Craters and Manned Missions) of the Moon, one with numbered features and key, the other with feature names printed on the map itself.] ![]()
From: PDAntic Subject: Found AstroNewt! Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 Greetings! Well, after having not heard from ANYONE who wanted to purchase AstroNewt over the last year and a half, I had three requests in the last week, all from people named Michael. Almost sounds like the plot to an episode of the X-Files... I did a search of all of my growing pile of Zip disks and found a copy of Astro.pkg, the Newton package file that contains the app. Anyway, here's what I'd like to do. First and foremost, this is a product, even if I can no longer support it (I no longer have a MessagePad, Mac or Newton Toolkit). This was the prototype for AstroPilot and AstroHTML, our successful packages for Palm and Windows CE devices. As such, I don't really want to put this out into the public domain as shareware or freeware. I would be willing to e-mail you a copy for $10, half of what I charge for the Palm/CE version. If you'd like to try this, just drop a check or $10 bill into an envelope along with your e-mail address to:
SanSoft If you know of any other people who have expressed an interest in AstroNewt, please forward this information to them and I'll extend the same offer to them. Steve
Steven Sande