Newton Does It!
=Outdated Content= LAST UPDATE 2004!
=Outdated Content= LAST UPDATE 2004!
Software 1/3
Software 1/3
Sammlungen/Collections |
Software 2/3
eMail/Browser/Server/Add-Ons |
Online Nachrichten/Newton friendly news sites |
Karten/Maps |
Unterhaltung /Entertainment
Software 3/3
Business |
Agenda/Calendar |
Lexika/Dictionaries |
Sammlungen / Collections
- UNNA (UNNA - What's new) - riesige Softwaresammlung
[one of the biggest Newton software sites]
- Newton Cage - Lost Newton Software - Newton Press, Bookmaker, Graffiti, Pocket Quicken et al.
(European Mirror / Spiegelserver in NL)
- AMUG's Newton Packages - sortiert nach Bereichen
[sorted by catagories]
- Planet Newton Software - Mirror der alten PN Site
[mirror of the old PN site]
- Europäisches Newton Archiv - Mirror verschiedener Software Sites
[European mirror of misc. Newton FTP sites]
- Newton Archives - Free & Shareware aus 30 Bereichen
[30 categories of shareware & freeware packages]
- Russian Software Site - klein, aber enthält dafür einige kyrillische Programme
[small and unsorted but with some Cyrillic packages]
N e w t o n B o o k s
- BookMaking Tips and Tricks - den BookMaker richtig eingesetzt
[for Newton BookMaker user]
- RotateBook for NOS 2.x - dreht bei Bedarf die Anzeige um 90 Grad
[rotates the screen and then opens the NewtonBook]
- VoiceTurn - 'umblättern' mit der Stimme
[turns pages of e-books on the newton with sound.]
- UNNA's NewtonBook Section
- Newton's Library - Sammlung kostenloser NewtonBooks
[a collection of free NewtonBooks]
- Alex Catalogue of Electronic Texts - literature and philosophy
PDF, Newton Paperback, Palm Pilot or Rocket eBook format
[Oben / Top]
Notwendige / Essential Software
- Hardware Test Software - Programme zum Testen von Gebrauchtnewtons
[programs for testing second-hand Newtons]
S y s t e m U p d a t e s & P a t c h e s
- Original Newton 2100 System CD (deutsch) - vollständige Installations CD
[English version Apple system software]
- Avi Drissman's Fix 2010 - Patch für das Jahr 2010
[patch for the year 2010]
- Deutsche Systemupdates - NOS 1.1.1 , 1.3 , 2.0 und MP 2100
[German system updates]
- Paul Guyot's Systempatch 710031 MP 2x00 - nicht für deutsches NOS !
[fixes the Date/Find bug and therefore replaces Avi's fix]
- ATA Support for NOS 2.x - Treiber für ATA Karten (für das deutsche und US NOS)
[driver for using ATA cards (works on any US or German 2.x device)]
- ATA Unterstützung - deutsche Informationen mit vielen Screenshots
[ATA Support English version info page with many screenshots]
N e w t W o r k s
- Learning Works (PDF 5.8 MB) - eMate/MP 2x000
- Works Practice (PKG 421 KB) - interaktive Einführung in Works
[interactive 'Getting Started' Works tour]
- SCET eBase - free download - Manual (PDF 137 KB)- einfache NewtWorks Datenbank
[simple NewtWorks database]
- Works Modules Draw, Graphic Calculator & G C Manual (eMate/MP 2x00)
- QuickFigure Works 1.1.2 - deutsches Handbuch
[QF Works English manual]
- QuickFigure Zusatzfunktionen - "Geheime" Funktionen
[in English "secret" functions for QuickFigure]
Add-Ons / Tools
- HWRWorks - aktiviert die Handschrifterkennung
[activates handwriting recognition] - Download Mirror
- NewtWorks Fix v1.0b1 - behebt Heap Probleme in der Suchfunktion
[fixes the NS Heap bugs when doing a global search]
- Spellworks - interactive spell checker (US NOS only)
- SBM Auto-Ruler (freeware) - neue Dokumente automatisch mit "Lineal anzeigen" öffnen
[automatically activate "Show Ruler" for "Paper" documents English version]
Special Versions
- NewtWorks Russian Version
- NewtonWorks Korean Converter - Zeichensätze anpassen
[converts between Unicode Korean and KSC 5601]
W ä h r u n g s t a b e l l e /
C u r r e n c y E x c h a n g e M o d u l e
- CurrencyUpdater V2 - automatisches Update für den Währungsrechner
[automatic update for the built-in Currency Exchange module]
- EuroInstaller (Beta) - Euroland der Währungstabelle hinzufügen
[adds Euroland to the built-in Currency Exchange modul]
- Korean Currency Information
M a c i n T a l k
- MacinTalk (download MT Packages)
- How to work with the Newton Text-to-Speech extension Part 1 & Part 2
- Apple's Speech Manager Reference
- Charles Kelly's Macintalk Songs - let your Newton sing Hymns and Folk Songs
D a t e n a b g l e i c h/ S y n c h r o n i z i n g
- The Newton Connection - Mac, PC, Linux, Unix, Amiga, Atari - diverse Software zum Datenaustausch
[misc. software for data exchange]
- Datenabgleich - mit MS Outlook und Lotus Notes
[synchronize with MS Outlook and Lotus Notes]
D i v e r s e s / M i s c e l l a n e o u s
- Tastaturbefehlsübersicht - beim Einsatz der Newton Tastatur
[keyboard commands GER>>ENG]
- Tastaturbefehle / Keyboard Shortcuts II
- Fonts and Locales - individuelle Landeseinstellungen
- Hilite2000 - markierten Text mit Clipboard Palette editieren
[system enhancement for editing editing hilighted text]
[Oben / Top]