Newton Does It!
=Outdated Content= LAST UPDATE 2004!
=Outdated Content= LAST UPDATE 2004!
Software 2/3
Software 1/3
Sammlungen/Collections |
Software 2/3
eMail/Browser/Server/Add-Ons |
Online Nachrichten/Newton friendly news sites |
Karten/Maps |
Unterhaltung /Entertainment
Software 3/3
Business |
Agenda/Calendar |
Lexika/Dictionaries |
empfehlenswerte / recommended Software
Internet Software
EasyConnect Terminal Emulator - TTY and ANSI based emulation (VT100, VT102, etc.)
M a i l
Eudora Pro 1.1 - Freeware
[now freeware ]
Mail V (SimpleMail Update) - bietet jetzt volle IMAP Unterstützung, aber kein POP mehr
[now with full IMAP support but without POP ]
SimpleMail - POP3, IMAP, MIME, multiple accounts, multiple languages, roaming
ScreenShooter (Beta 24 KB) (Info.txt ) - Screenshots von Teilen oder vom gesamten Bildschirm machen und per SimpleMail verschicken
[take shots of the whole *or part* of the screen, these pictures will be sent using Simple Mail ]
APOP - ermittelt die APOP Prüfsumme (siehe RFC 1460 )
[computes APOP challenges (for details see RFC 1460 ) ]
IO Select - alle Mails im Postfach markieren
[select all button for the I/O box ]
First Class Retriever v1.13 (68 KB) - release version
N e w s r e a d e r
Newt'sPaper - Freeware Usenet Newsreader
[NNTP online newsgroup reader ]
M e s s e n g e r s
NewtChat (US$ 5) - AIM/iChat Client
NewtICQ 1.0 - now final ! compatible with ICQ
NewtonIM jabber client - for the Newton Message Pad 2x00
NewtJabber 1.2 - ICQ/AIM/Yahoo Jabber Client (Download mirror )
[a client/server messaging service that unites all of the popular instant messaging services ]
S e r v e r / B r o w s e r
NPDS Newton Server - Webserverpackage für Notizen und Termine
[put your notes/dates on the web ]
Lists of Active Servers 1 , 2 , 3
NPDS updates - verschiedene Updates und Patches
[updates and patches ]
Courier - einfacher Webbrowser für NOS 2.1
[simple web browser for NOS 2.1 ]
NewtWap - einfacher WAP Browser (Download mirror )
[simple WAP browser ]
Lunasuite Pro WWW, EMail, FTP, GSM-SMS - mit kostenloser Freischaltung ]
[get your free unlock key for LunaSuite Pro ]
LunaSuite Pro 2.1Bc353EN by Richard Li - um kleinere Fehler bereinigt
[with some bug fixes ]
Raissa - RSS Headline und Newsreader
[RSS headlines and news reader ]
VNC 3.3 client (freeware) - andere Computer fernbedienen
[display the screen of a remote system over a network ]
B r o w s e r A d d - O n s
Newt's Cape
Hemlock - Sherlock für den Newton & Newt's Cape
[a Sherlock compatible search tool - needs Newt's Cape ]
Download Spiegelserver / mirror : Hemlock Download
Hemlock Plugins - zum direkten Download mit Newt's Cape
[can be downloaded and installed with Newt's Cape ]
Plugins from - noch mehr Plugins
[even more plugins ]
Newt's Cape LaunchRSS PlugIn - RSS Newsfeeds direkt an Raissa übergeben
[open selected RSS newsfeeds in Raissa ]
NetHopper HTTP 1.1 Patch
NetHopperJPEG PlugIn - ermöglich die Darstellung von JPEGs in NetHopper
[view JPEG files while browsing with NetHopper ]
NetHopper Scheduler (7 KB) - Offline Reader für NetHopper
[scheduled downloads with NetHopper ]
Newton geeignete online N a c h r i c h t e nNewton friendly n e w s s i t e s
SqueezeNet - City Guide, Entertainment, News, Travel, Technology, Tools
squeezed down to pda-size screens
PliNk! - News, Weather,Travel, Sports, Financial ...
Darren's Newton Friendly Links Page - especially for NetHopper
Newton-Friendly websites - WebLog
This Old Newt's PDA FRIENDLY LIST - News, Financial, Weather, Sports, Technology, Misc, Web Searches, Travel, Webrings
PDA Web Sites - Entertainment, Finance, Information, Reference, Tech, Weather, Sports, Shopping
Palm PQA pages for Newton - im Standard-HTML Format für Newton Browser
[converted to standard HTML for Newton browsers ]
The Onion - America's Finest News Source :-)
Amazon Lite - search for Books, Musik, Videos & DVDs
K a r t e n / M a p s
Pocket HouseMap engl. - einfaches 2D CAD Programm (deutsche Version Mail an mich)
[simple 2D CAD program ]
MapBlast PDA Maps - PDA gerechte online Landkarten
[online maps for your Newton ]
The Newton Traveler - Landkarten, Newton Books etc ...
[maps, books, dial-p numbers ]
Karten/Maps - verschiedene Landkarten
[misc. maps ]
GPS Map Lite - GPS Software (Mac/PC)
FieldNote & FieldMap GPS Tracking Software - supports NMEA and TSIP
Unterhaltungs [Entertainment ] Software
MacinTalk - läßt den Newton/eMate sprechen und singen
[voice synthesizer for Newton MP 2K and eMate ]
Dragon Dictate Demo (incl. Hack1 & Hack2) - Spracherkennung mit begrenztem Befehlsumfang
[voice recognition with a very basic repertoire ]
Newton Media System - Newton Movie Player & Audio Player
Newton Movie Converter (727 kb - Mac) - Quicktime Filme für den Newton konvertieren
[produces movies in the format designed by Lee Moon and Brad Tober ]
MAD Newton MP3 Player - ein wenig fehlt noch, aber immerhin
[some things are still missing but it works ]
MOD Player - kommt richtig gut mit externen Lautsprechern
[sounds great with external speakers ]
Animator 1.0b (Beta 28 KB) - Daumenkinoanimatioen
[flip-book animations ]
Great God Comic Book - 12 seitiges Comic
[12 page full-grayscale comic ]
S p i e l e / G a m e s
Deep Green - Freeware-Schachprogramm
[freeware chess program ]
Newtendo - NES Emulator incl. 50+ ROM images
ROM images Mirror Server
Online NES Packager - for Newtendo
kungfu 1.1 (225 KB) - Spiel mit netter Grafik - (JAP>>ENG )
[combat game with nice graphic ]
Remote Town 2 - SimCity like game !UPDATE!
NewtonGlider (MP2x00) - Papierflugzeug fliegen (wie das bekannte Mac Spiel)
[fly a paper plane through different houses (like the classic Mac game) ]
DMP Systems - Flight 3D - Newton 2x00 Demo (60 KB)
SpeedBump - Autorennspiel für alle Newtons
[card-based auto racing game for all Newtons ]
Planks, Hopper & Rush Hour - einfache Spiele (inkl. Sourcecode)
[simple games - source code is available ]
Morse/Newt - Übungsprogramm
[Morse code practice program ]
[Oben / Top]